4 Myths About Saving Energy at Home

a man turns down his home's thermostat with 4 Myths About Saving Energy at Home in mind

With energy costs continually rising, homeowners are more eager than ever to find ways for saving energy in order to offset higher energy bills. Unfortunately, many people believe energy myths that actually cost them money.

Here are a few that you should be aware of, shared by your local roofing contractor, Muth and Company Roofing.

MYTH: Closing off vents in unused rooms will save energy.

Blocking off air registers in rooms that aren’t used frequently will not have any effect on how much energy your system is using. Nor does closing vents heat or cool other rooms faster. Instead, it puts more pressure on the HVAC system, making it work harder, use more energy and wear out faster.

MYTH: Turning up the thermostat will help the house heat up faster. 

This is another common misconception that can actually result in more energy being used, instead of less. A furnace will run at full capacity from the moment you turn it on. So cranking up the temperature won’t make it heat faster. It will just make it work longer to reach the higher temperature. Plus, you may potentially make the furnace run more when you forget to turn the thermostat back down.

MYTH: Leaving the light on when you exit a room uses less energy than turning it off and back on again. 

Some people mistakenly believe that an energy-consuming surge of power takes place when you turn on a light. In reality, there’s no noticeable additional draw on power when you switch a light on. If you want to be saving energy, remember to always turn off the lights when you leave a room. Even if it’s just for a short period of time.

MYTH: It’s cheaper to wash dishes by hand than to run the dishwasher.

If you hate washing dishes, you’ll be happy to know that you can save more money using a dishwasher. This is especially true for new, energy-efficient models. Washing by hand tends to waste a lot of water, especially if you leave the water on while you’re scrubbing.

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