4 Reasons Attic Insulation Is Best Left to Professional Roofing Companies

If your home is lacking in the insulation department, insulating the attic should be at the top of your home maintenance to-do list, no matter the time of year.

Before you know it, spring will be here, followed by the heat and humidity of summer. If your home isn’t well-insulated, you’re going to end up paying too much for summer air conditioning AND winter heating AND  bills.


Why You Should Choose a Professional for Installation of Insulation

If you experience high utility costs due to an insufficient amount of attic insulation, there’s a very easy remedy: install more insulation. Rather than doing it yourself, however, it’s best that installation be left to professional roofers for four important reasons.

1) Varying insulation standards

It’s important to install the correct type of attic insulation and the proper amount. Because of the way building standards and minimum requirements for insulation differ between Ohio counties, as a homeowner, it can be hard to know exactly what your home requires. At Muth & Company Roofing, it’s our job to stay current on the insulation requirements for every county we serve, so we have the know-how to determine exactly how much insulation your attic needs.

2) Prep work can be complicated 

Before beginning any attic insulation project, it’s important to first do some prep work. In most cases, this involves working with soffits, bath fans and other electrical components that can pose a challenge to inexperienced DIYers. For this reason, working with attic insulation is best left to the pros.

3) Attics can be dangerous

From nails protruding from the roof sheathing to floorboards that aren’t secure, an attic can be a hazardous place if you don’t know what to look out for.

4) Insulation can be hard on the body

Fiberglass insulation can easily irritate the skin and respiratory system, so care must be taken when installing it. The Muth team has years of experience working in attics, on rooftops and everywhere in between. We know which equipment to use and precautions to take to ensure our safety when installing insulation.

Call the Pros for an Attic Insulation Estimate!

If you need an attic inspection to determine the condition of your insulation, contact Muth & Company, one of Columbus’s leading roofing companies. Call (614) 882-0900 or contact us online today. We’ll conduct a thorough inspection and provide you with solutions.