How To Help Others In Need During COVID-19

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How To Help Others In Need During COVID-19

Throughout the coming weeks, our role as a community is to come together to help our neighbors.

There are a number of ways you can give back to help mitigate the long-term impact this crisis has on our community, including:

  1. Practice Social Distancing: Social distancing is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. Staying at least six feet away from other people lessens your chances of catching COVID-19.
  2. Donate to a Local Food Bank: Our local food banks are going above-and-beyond to serve those in need during this crisis. Help keep their shelves stocked by making a monetary donation. Here is a list of Columbus, OH food pantries.
  3. Support a Local Non-profit: In addition to food banks, a number of local organizations are doing their part to help seniors and low-income families through all this uncertainty. If you are able, please consider donating. And if you’re unsure of where to give, the Columbus Foundation has created an Emergency Response Fund for those organizations most impacted by COVID-19. Learn more here.
  4. Make Wellness Checks: There are a number of ways to practice social distancing while still checking in on your neighbors. Texting, making a call or talking to your neighbor through the door are all safe ways to complete a friendly wellness check.
  5. Donate Blood: The American Red Cross is reporting a severe drop-in blood donations due to COVID-19. Healthy, eligible donors are urged to do your part to help. Make an appointment here.
  6. Deliver Meals: We know that seniors are one of the most vulnerable groups amid COVID-19. Keeping them at home as much as possible helps to limit that risk. If you are low-risk yourself, consider volunteering for organizations that serve our seniors like Meals-on-Wheels. Sign-up to volunteer here.