How to Make an Old Roof Look Younger

Columbus home new roof

When it comes to curb appeal, it’s important to pay attention to your roof. The sheer size of the roof makes it one of the first things people notice about your house, whether it’s guests visiting or potential homebuyers if you’re trying to sell. A roof that looks old is a definite turn-off and can really make your home look unattractive, even if everything else is in tip-top shape. Luckily, there are some things you and your roofing contractor can do to make a tired old roof look younger.

Old Roof

Follow These Roofing Tips

  • Make repairs in a timely manner. As your roof gets older, you may start noticing small leaks that occur at the penetration points along your roof. It’s important to repair these problem areas as soon as you become aware of them, before they start making your roof look old and run-down or grow into a bigger problem that could lead to costly repairs. Repairing leaks quickly can also help extend the life of your roof for several years.
  • Invest in new gutters. If your gutters are rusting, sagging, or pulling away from your house, they are going to negatively affect the look of your roof, even if the roof itself is in good shape. Gutter repair is possible if the damage is minimal, and they can even be repainted. If they’re too far gone, however, your best bet is to call Muth & Company Roofing for a full gutter replacement.
  • Clean off your roof. Debris can really pile up on the roof over the winter months, making it look dirty. To make your roof appear younger, take the time to not only clean out your gutters but also clear off leaves, twigs, and other debris. Algae and mildew can be removed short-term by gently washing the roof with a mixture of water and bleach, or you can use copper or zinc installations for a more long-term solution to the problem.

All roof repair comes with some risks, especially if your roof is steeply sloped, so it may be a good idea to consider letting the professionals take over. A quick call to Muth & Company at (614) 682-3060 will get all of your roof troubles taken care of, and our experienced roofers can even advise you on other methods to help your roof look years younger.