Spring Special: Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan

Columbus home new roof

Winter is wrapping up and warmer breezes are beginning to blow. It’s time to start thinking about getting your home ready for the new season. Just like a vehicle, your roof needs a routine inspection and tune-up, and Muth & Company Roofing of Columbus, OH, makes it easy by doing the dirty work for you every year! Here are the services included when you sign up for Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan, formerly known as our Extended Service Plan.

Mr. Moose's Roof Maintenance Plan makes keeping your roof maintained easier.

What’s Included in Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan

Heavy winter ice and snow can cause major damage to your roof and gutters. It’s important to have your roof inspected once a year. Although we perform inspections all year long, spring is a great time to schedule your Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan. For a small yearly fee, we’ll contact you and schedule a time for a certified expert to inspect your roof. We will present you with a complete inspection report, and explain the results.  This will also include recommendations for any repairs or work. We will also advise you on how to avoid future problems. Here is a list of the services provided with Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan.

• Clean out gutters and downspouts and re-nail gutter spikes as needed.

• Check, reseal and repaint all flashings, including chimney, wall, skylight, and valley flashings (please note that repainting valley flashings requires an additional cost).

• Inspect the roof for any damage caused by severe weather or wear and tear.

• Examine the attic and check on the condition of insulation and venting.

Our Do-It-Yourself List

Once our Columbus roofing contractors have taken care of your roof and gutter system, here are some additional DIY tasks you can complete on your own to get your house up to par for spring.

• Remove, clean, and replace all window screens.

• Clean and inspect all of your outdoor lights, including flood lights and porch lights, and change burned-out bulbs if necessary.

• Prepare your lawn mower for the first mowing of the season by sharpening the blades, replacing spark plugs, and checking the battery.

• Apply pre-emergent herbicide to keep away crabgrass and other weeds and encourage a healthy lawn. Learn more about getting your lawn ready for spring.

Sign Up for Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan

Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan, formerly known as our Extended Service Package, is available for every homeowner in our service area. You don’t need to be a past Muth customer! Call us today at (614) 682-3060 for more information or submit your information on this page.