Take Action During National Radon Action Month

national radon action month

Like carbon monoxide, radon gas cannot be seen, smelled or tasted. This means there could be dangerous amounts present in your home.

And you wouldn’t even know it.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. About 2,900 of these deaths occur among people who have never smoked.

Radon should be taken very seriously.

Because we care about the health and safety of our customers, Muth & Company Roofing would like to share with you some ideas that you can implement this month. We want to help protect you and your family.

4 Actions You Can Take in January

Test your home

Radon is a radioactive gas that can seep from the ground into the air in a house. It’s not present in all areas of Ohio. But the EPA and U.S. Surgeon General recommends testing homes, schools, businesses and other buildings. Testing is cheap and easy, so there is no reason not to take the time to test for this very preventable health risk.

Install radon equipment if necessary

A variety of methods can be used to reduce radon in homes and buildings. Foundation modifications, sealing cracks and ventilation techniques can alleviate the danger. Many areas of Ohio do not need radon equipment.

Attend a radon awareness event in your community

Since many people aren’t aware of the dangers of radon, there may be few events in your area. But take the time to research and find out if there are any available.

Educate others about the health risks

Spend some time this month spreading the word about the dangers of radon and encouraging friends, family and members of your community to have their homes tested. If there are no awareness events in your area, consider planning your own community activity. This will help teach others about the dangers and how to test for it.

At Muth & Company Roofing, we care about the welfare of our customers. Next time you are in need of roof or gutter repair, please consider giving us a call at (614) 682-3060. We are here to serve.