Tips to Minimize the Cost of Roof Replacement

Even the best roofs don’t last forever. Asphalt shingle roofs, the standard type of roof found on most homes across the country, last an average of 15-20 years; chances are if you live in the same house for any length of time, you’re going to have to replace the roof. Because a new roof is a big expense, this makes minimizing replacement costs especially important. If you think roof replacement may be on the horizon for you, consider these tips for keeping costs down.

Tips to Minimize the Cost of Roof Replacement

Know When a Replacement Is Necessary

The last thing you want to do is pay money for a new roof that you don’t really need. Fortunately, there are some clear indicators that will tell you that roof replacement will be needed soon.

  • Signs of a deteriorating roof, such as shingle debris on the ground or a buildup of asphalt granules in the gutters.

  • Damaged shingles that have become brittle or are cracked or curling.

  • A roof leak resulting in water damage to your home, such as mold growth or discoloration on the walls or ceiling. Water damage is something that must be taken care of right away!

  • Even if everything appears to be fine, a roof that has reached the end of its lifespan should be replaced. A roofing contractor from Muth & Company Roofing can advise you about this.

Time It Right

Late summer and on into the fall is the busy season for roofing companies. In many cases, you can get faster service and more competitive pricing on your roofing project if you wait and schedule replacement during an off season, such as late winter or spring. There may be more delays due to weather, but the savings could make the extra trouble worth it. The exception to this is if you notice water damage or leaks. Don’t wait to schedule your replacement when water is involved; contact a roofing contractor as soon as possible.

Do Your Research

You’ll save yourself a lot of time if you educate yourself about your roof beforehand. Gather all the information you can about your roof, such as its size, when it was installed and the expected lifespan. You should also do your research on roofing materials beforehand so you’ll know what kind of material you want to have installed. Are you active U.S. military or a veteran or retiree? You could get a rebate on a GAF roofing system.

Don’t Delay

Any time severe storms roll through your area, storm damage is a possibility. Not all damage is visible to the naked eye, however, and an experienced roofing professional may be required to spot subtle signs of damage you missed, meaning you could be eligible for a new roof. If you decide to schedule a roof inspection just to be on the safe side, remember that there’s a limited window for filing a claim with your insurance company. Don’t delay scheduling that inspection.

From roof replacement to gutter repair, the team at Muth & Company Roofing has the experience to take care of all your roofing needs. Contact us at (614) 682-3060 the next time you have a roofing issue for a free estimate.