What Does R-Value Mean for You and Your Home?

If you’re not familiar with roofing and insulation, R-value probably sounds like a foreign word to you. In actuality, it’s a fairly straightforward concept: R-value is a measure of thermal resistance, or the transfer of heat through a given material. Put simply, the greater the R-value, the harder your insulation is going to work to resist heat flow – which means more energy savings for you!

What Does R-Value Mean for You and Your Home?

How Heat Transfer Affects Energy Efficiency

Every winter, heat is lost from your home that has to be replaced by your heating system. Conversely, your cooling system removes the heat gained in the summer. Having the appropriate amount of insulation provides a thermal barrier to prevent this flow of heat, so your heating and cooling systems work less and your energy bills are lowered. Blown-in fiberglass insulation is an excellent cost-effective option for upping your R-value, with exceptional thermal performance and a lower installation cost than comparable types of attic insulation.

Knowing Your R-Value

It’s essential to know the recommended R-value for your area to ensure that your home is as energy-efficient as possible. If the thickness of your attic insulation is less than R-30 (which equates to about 11 inches of fiberglass), adding more could help you. The Department of Energy (DOE) recommends from R-40 to R-60 for the best insulating values.

At Muth & Company Roofing, we recommend an insulation value of R-60 for attic floors, which is equal to approximately 18 inches of insulation. While the DOE recommends up to R-49 for attics in most areas, the minimum code for Franklin County is R-30, and for Delaware County it’s R-38.

If you think your home could benefit from additional insulation, give Muth & Company a call at (614) 682-3060. Our expert roofers have all the experience necessary to install premium blown-in fiberglass insulation that will help you maximize your energy savings!