4 Beneficial Summer Home Improvement Projects

summer home improvements

Summertime is a great time of year to get caught up on home maintenance. And maybe a few summer home improvement projects as well.  Summer weather is conducive to many different projects, so get out and get started before it gets even hotter!


Summer is the perfect time to give your house a facelift with a new coat of paint. Whether you put on another layer of the same color or try something new and different, a fresh coat of paint will not only revitalize your home, it will protect it against moisture and sun damage. Painting is fairly inexpensive as home improvement projects go. You may even be able to find free or cheap paint at recycling facilities where homeowners have donated their excess.

Staining Fencing and/or Decking

As with painting, staining fences and decks is important to shield the wood from the damaging effects of UV rays and moisture. Sealing and staining (or painting) your deck can have it looking as good as new. Do this every one to three years, depending on your location. Spending a couple of hundred dollars now will save you from having to shell out thousands later for a new deck.

Power Washing

It’s amazing how fresh and clean things can look after a good power washing or pressure washing. Spray down sidewalks, driveways, decking, and siding to remove layers of dirt and grime. Just be careful to follow the sprayer’s instructions. This will prevent damage to the siding and keep moisture from getting under it. Sprayers are at your local home improvement store to rent.

Gutter Cleaning

It is important to clean your gutters at least once a year. And more often if you have a lot of trees around your house and the gutters fill quickly. If gutter cleaning is not a chore you look forward to, however, this would be a great opportunity to take advantage of Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan, formerly our Extended Service Plan. Not only will we clean your gutters annually, but we will also perform a full inspection and tune-up of your roof.

If a roof inspection or roof repair is on your to-do list, give Muth & Company Roofing a call at (614) 682-3060 to schedule a FREE estimate.