After the Storm: 4 Tips for Filing a Roof Insurance Claim

After going through the stress caused by a violent storm, there’s nothing more disheartening than discovering that your roof has been damaged. That’s when you know you’re going to have to deal with filing a claim with your insurance company. But don’t worry – if you choose an experienced roofing company like Muth & Company Roofing to give you advice throughout the ordeal, everything will go much smoother! Here are the top tips to remember as you go through the claims process.

Storm Damage

  1. Inspect your roof as soon as possible after the storm. It’s always best to call in an experienced roofing company to perform an extensive roof inspection if you suspect that damage may have occurred. While you can do a visual inspection on your own, there may be underlying damage that only a trained roofing professional will recognize. Early inspection is also important because many insurance companies have limitations on how long after a storm you can make a claim and still have the damage be covered.

  2. Document damage extensively. A knowledgeable roofing contractor will be thorough in looking for and documenting damage and noting the extent to which it occurred. They should always take measurements of the damaged area and back up any damage claims with plenty of photographic evidence to present to the insurance company, which will also expect information on the storm that caused the damage and the time and date it occurred.

  3. Contact the insurance company. If your roofer verifies that the damage to your roof is extensive, it’s time to notify the insurance company. Be sure to first review your current homeowner’s policy, though, to familiarize yourself with what the insurance company will cover and how long you have to report damage and turn in a claim. Once a claim is submitted, an insurance adjuster will need to examine the damage and ascertain how much the insurance company will pay out to repair or replace the roof.

  4. Select a roofing company experienced in claim procedures. The company that does your roof inspection doesn’t necessarily have to be the one that does the repairs or new roof installation. You are not obligated to hire them to do the work, so don’t be afraid to shop around for another roofing company if you feel that they don’t have the necessary insurance experience. The best roofers are able to assist throughout the claims process, ensuring that claims are submitted correctly and in a timely manner. They will also be able to inform you of all the little tips and tricks that will help you get the maximum amount reimbursed to you for roof repairs or replacement.

If you want a reputable company that offers claims assistance while providing the best care for your roof, Muth & Company Roofing is the place to call. If you suspect your roof may have been damaged in a recent storm, don’t hesitate! Contact us today at (614) 682-3060 to schedule your FREE consultation.