Delivering New Life For Old Homes And Why It’s Worth It

Columbus home new roof

By Jim Weiker.The Columbus Dispatch Image

There’s a house in Columbus, Ohio that stands on hallowed historical grounds. The northwest corner of Westerville and Ferris roads hosts a 250–hectare mound built by the Adena Indians six thousand years ago, and the brick building built on it served as the stop for the Underground Railroad:

The first floor of the estate includes a bedroom, living room, dining room, office, kitchen and half-bath. Three more bedrooms and a full bath can be found on the second floor.

Floors are covered in wide cherry planks while walnut trim embroiders the house. Walls rise 12 feet on the first floor and 10 on the second. The 18-inch-thick brick walls and the massive stone foundation serve as testaments to the home’s age.

The basement contains two once-hidden crawl spaces that were exposed during plumbing renovations and are thought to have been hiding spots for slaves on the Underground Railroad.

A Worthington couple is now looking to rejuvenate the historical building by providing roof repairs to the Columbus property along with other necessary maintenance. Greg and Tricia Allenby have been searching for a property to use as a shelter for Christian men who have been released from prison, and they think the house should be perfect.

A Steadfast Industry

The Columbus roof repair industry is one of the most relied on, both inside and outside of the state. Properties like this are gaining new life all over thanks in part to companies like Muth and Company roofing that provide specialized services few others can do competently.

A Second Chance

A property doesn’t necessarily have to possess historical value in order to gain support for reconstitution (though it does help). There are many beautiful, but neglected buildings in the city and each of them deserve a second chance to serve and they only need the right kind of people who can bring them within modern standards. If you’re inclined toward older architecture, explore the restoration possibilities with Muth and Company Roofing.

(Article excerpt from “Home with History on its Side will Serve Others Once Again” Apr 07, 2014)