You Can Repair Your Own Roof … But Should You?

Columbus home new roof

When it comes to home repairs, many homeowners want to be independent – and save money – by doing the work themselves. While this isn’t a big deal for a small project like hanging a light or repairing the garbage disposal, repairing a roof is a different story. Here are some downsides to do-it-yourself roof repair to keep in mind.


It can be dangerous. Climbing around on a roof is dangerous, especially if it’s steeply pitched. Add to that trying to handle tools while climbing a ladder and you have a recipe for disaster. A fall off the roof can cost you thousands in hospital bills, not to mention a decrease in income due to lost wages. So if you need roof repair in Columbus, it’s best to call on the professionals at Muth & Company Roofing who have all the necessary training to do the job safely.

It’s complicated. A roof has many underlying components that can be affected by a bad repair job. While a handy homeowner can recognize obvious signs of damage, like missing or cracked shingles, most don’t have the experience needed to spot other indicators of trouble that aren’t immediately obvious to the untrained eye. If these problems aren’t addressed appropriately, it can mean bigger problems down the road. In the end, you may end up having to call in the professional you should have called in the first place!

The quality won’t be the same. Even experienced do-it-yourselfers are unlikely to know the best roofing techniques to use for a repair job, as well as the right type of material to use to make the repair blend in with the rest of the roof. If you start out with no clue about what you are doing, odds are that your inexperience is going to show through in the finished product. And there is no hiding a less-than-perfect roof repair job – it will be right there for all the world to see.

Trust the Experts for Roof Repair in Columbus

Our roofing professionals here at Muth & Company Roofing have the skills, knowledge and experience to get the job done right. If you’re ready to make the wise choice for your roof repair in Dublin, OH, just give us a call at (614) 682-3060 today!