Attic Insulation Is Your Home’s Winter Coat

Attic Insulation Is Your Home’s Winter Coat

You wouldn’t go out into freezing winter weather without a coat. Your home’s attic insulation is your home’s winter coat.

High heating bills during the winter months can really put a strain on the budget! Not to mention holiday expenses. As temperatures continue to drop, savvy homeowners want to look for ways to make their homes snugger and energy-efficient.

While there are a variety of simple ways to do this, one of the best methods is installing attic insulation.

The Importance of Insulation

Despite common misconceptions, attic insulation is vitally important all year round. A well-insulated home is an energy-efficient home. The right type of insulation will keep your home warm and help bring down those sky-high winter heating bills.

Insulation is also important in the summer months. It will lower air conditioning bills by keeping warm air from leaking into your home from the hot attic.

How Much is Enough?

There is no set answer to how much insulation you need in your home. Building standards for insulation in Ohio do vary from county to county. Whatever the recommended amount is for your home, it’s important to meet the minimum requirements.

The type of insulation used and its thickness are important considerations as well. If you decide that your attic needs more insulation, make sure that you properly prepare your attic. This will require sealing attic bypasses, installing or repairing soffit baffles, and damming and insulating the attic access.

Why Installation Is Best Left to a Professional

Installing insulation may seem like an easy DIY job. But it can become overwhelming and confusing if you don’t know what you’re doing. Problems that could occur due to an inexperienced DIY installer include:

  • Inadvertently covering soffits. This could interfere with proper venting, trapping heat, and moisture. This will potentially cause roofing shingles to deteriorate and mold to grow.
  • Not protecting lights adequately, causing them to overheat.
  • Accidentally blocking bath vents. This traps moisture which can weaken insulation and cause mold growth.
  • Confusion over the different insulation requirements from county to county.

Now you understand the benefits of installing attic insulation in your home

This can reduce your energy bills during the winter, and save you money during the summer. The easiest means of avoiding problems and maintaining your roof is with an annual care and maintenance plan by an experienced roofing contractor. By popular demand, Mr. Moose’s Roof Maintenance Plan, formerly our Extended Service Package, includes every homeowner in our service area. You don’t need to already be a Muth customer.

Save time, save money, and save your roof. Attic insulation, ventilation, and an Extended Service Package could not only save you time and money but could also save your roof as well.

At Muth & Company Roofing, we can do a comprehensive attic evaluation and inspection of your home. After which we will provide a written form. This will detail any problems requiring a roof repair and offer helpful solutions. Give us a call today at (614) 682-3060 to schedule your evaluation. And take “insulate” off your to-do list for good!