Home Improvement

snow on metal roof

Benefits of a Metal Roof in Winter

Winter will soon be upon us, but it’s not too late to start on that new roofing project! The experienced Columbus, Ohio, roofing contractors at Muth & Company install both asphalt shingle and metal roofs. While asphalt shingles are by far the most common roofing material used in our area, metal roofing also offers a

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Columbus home new roof

Smart Home Project Prioritization

  The problem some homeowners might have with getting their home improvement projects done is that it’s hard to decide where to start. This is especially true if you’re working within a budget. Here at Muth & Company Roofing, we’ve had over two decades worth of experience with roofing and home improvement. We’ve put all

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Columbus home new roof

Home Repairs You Shouldn’t Delay

If you’re out of work, or at risk of being out of work, focus on home repairs you shouldn’t delay. These home repairs include fixing roofs, shoring up foundations, and repairing or replacing malfunctioning furnaces. In short, think of all the things that could cause your house to flunk a home inspection. It will if your

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Columbus home new roof

Choosing A Timeless Roof Style

Imagine committing to a specific haircut for the next 20 to 30 years. Or a particular model of car. Or limiting yourself to eating at one restaurant. Would you ever agree to that? Of course not. Yet that’s similar to what happens when a homeowner buys a new roof.  You pick one color and one

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